Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i've been meaning to

read more new york times blogs
so today i did some perusing
and found one that appealed to my line of work...
well serving them really...
but i admit i spend a good amount of time
clocked in on the other side of the bar as well.
you have to as a bartender
you have to spend the time
to get to know the people you work with
and the only way to do that
is by sitting and chatting
as they serve drinks to the bar and yourself

proof is a blog about drinking and the drink
by six contributors
some young lushes, and some old teetotalers

this is how they sum it up...

"For the past 10,000 years or so, wherever humans have gathered, there has been alcohol. Some never touch the stuff. But most do. It is used to celebrate, commiserate, mourn, remember and, often, to forget. It is different things to different people: libation, anesthetic, emotional crutch, social lubricant, addictive substance, sacred potion, killer or commodity. In "Proof," contributors consider the charms, powers and dangers of drink, and the role it plays in their lives."

heres the link

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